The Lifespan of Dental Implants: What You Need to Know

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, offering a durable and long-lasting solution for missing teeth. If you’re considering Dental implants Melbourne, one of the most common questions you might have is, “How long do dental implants last?” In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the lifespan of dental implants and what you can expect from this remarkable tooth replacement option.

Understanding Dental Implants

Before diving into their lifespan, let’s quickly recap what dental implants are. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots typically made of titanium, surgically placed into the jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, they provide a stable foundation for mounting replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Factors Influencing Longevity

The longevity of dental implants can vary from person to person and depends on several factors:

  1. Oral Health Maintenance: Proper oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, is crucial for the longevity of dental implants. Good oral health practices help prevent gum disease and implant-related complications.
  2. Bone Density and Quality: The success of dental implants relies on the integration of the implant with the surrounding bone. Individuals with adequate bone density and quality are more likely to experience long-term implant success.
  3. Smoking: Smoking can significantly impact the lifespan of dental implants. It can impede the healing process after implant surgery and increase the risk of implant failure due to reduced blood flow and compromised immune function.
  4. Overall Health: Certain systemic health conditions such as diabetes and autoimmune disorders can affect the body’s ability to heal and may impact the success of dental implants.
  5. Implant Placement and Design: The skill of the oral surgeon and the type of implant used can influence longevity. Proper placement of the implant and selecting the appropriate size and design are essential for optimal outcomes.

What to Expect: Longevity and Success Rates

Now, let’s address the burning question: how long do dental implants last? While there’s no definitive answer, studies have shown that dental implants have an impressive success rate and can last for decades with proper care.

Research suggests that Dental implants Melbourne have a success rate of over 95% after ten years, and many implants can last a lifetime. However, it’s essential to understand that individual experiences may vary.

Realistic Expectations and Maintenance

While dental implants offer an excellent long-term solution for tooth replacement, it’s essential to have realistic expectations. Like natural teeth, dental implants require regular maintenance and care to ensure their longevity.

  • Routine Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular visits to your dentist for check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist will monitor the health of your implants and address any issues promptly.
  • Good Oral Hygiene Practices: Maintain excellent oral hygiene by brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash. Proper oral care helps prevent gum disease and peri-implantitis, a condition that can lead to implant failure and higher dental implants cost.
  • Avoiding Harmful Habits: Avoid habits that can compromise the integrity of your implants, such as smoking or chewing hard objects like ice or pens.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can contribute to overall oral and systemic health, supporting the longevity of your dental implants.


In conclusion, tooth implants are a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. While the exact lifespan of dental implants varies depending on individual factors, they can endure for decades with proper care. By understanding the factors that influence implant longevity and following recommended maintenance guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of dental implants for years to come. So, remember that with the right care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Search for “dental implants near me” today to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants have an impressive success rate, with many lasting for decades or even a lifetime. Studies suggest a success rate of over 95% after ten years. However, individual experiences may vary depending on factors such as oral health maintenance, bone density, and overall health.

  • Is the implant procedure painful?

The implant procedure is typically performed under local anaesthesia, ensuring minimal discomfort during the surgery. Some patients may experience mild soreness or discomfort afterward, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Your dentist will provide instructions for post-operative care to help minimize any discomfort.

  • Are dental implants suitable for everyone?

While dental implants are a versatile option for most individuals missing one or more teeth, certain factors may affect candidacy. Adequate bone density and healthy gums are essential for implant success. Your dentist will evaluate your oral health and medical history to determine if dental implants are the right choice for you.

  • How do I care for my dental implants?

Proper oral hygiene is essential for maintaining the longevity of dental implants. Brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash help prevent gum disease and peri-implantitis. Regular dental check-ups are also crucial for monitoring the health of your implants and addressing any issues promptly.

  • What if my dental implant fails?

While implant failure is rare, it can occur in some cases. Symptoms of implant failure may include pain, swelling, or mobility of the implant. If you experience any signs of implant failure, contact your dentist immediately for evaluation and appropriate treatment. In some instances, the implant may need to be replaced or additional procedures performed to ensure optimal outcomes.

How Dental Implants Let You Eat Without Worries

Eating is one of life’s simplest pleasures, yet for those missing teeth or dealing with uncomfortable dentures, it can become a source of stress and embarrassment. Dental implants have emerged as a game-changer in this regard, allowing people to savour their favourite foods without worries. While the initial dental implants cost in Melbourne can seem relatively high, it’s well worth it in the long term. Know how dental implants make eating an enjoyable and hassle-free experience.

The Impact of Tooth Loss on Eating

Tooth loss can have a significant impact on your ability to eat comfortably. It affects not only your ability to chew properly but also your digestion and overall health. When teeth are missing, it can lead to a cascade of problems, including difficulty in breaking down food, causing digestive discomfort and nutritional deficiencies.

Additionally, individuals with missing teeth may find themselves avoiding certain foods due to the challenges they pose. This can lead to a limited diet, often lacking essential nutrients. Social situations can also be affected, as dining with friends and family can become an uncomfortable experience.

The Solution: Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a long-lasting solution to the problems associated with tooth loss. These implants are surgically placed into the jawbone to replace the roots of missing teeth. Once they have fused with the bone through a process called osseointegration, they provide a stable foundation for various dental restorations, including crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Here’s how dental implants can transform your eating experience:

1. Improved Chewing Efficiency:

Dental implants function just like natural teeth, allowing you to chew with strength and precision. You can confidently enjoy your favourite foods without worrying about discomfort or food particles getting stuck in gaps.

2. Enhanced Taste Sensation:

Dental implants don’t cover the roof of your mouth like traditional dentures. This means that you can fully taste your food, appreciating the flavours and textures more than ever before.

3. Diverse Dietary Choices:

With dental implants, there are very few dietary restrictions. You can relish a wide variety of foods, from crunchy vegetables and fruits to chewy steaks and nuts. The freedom to enjoy a diverse diet positively impacts your overall health and well-being.

4. Restored Digestive Health:

Proper chewing is essential for effective digestion. Dental implants enable you to break down food into smaller particles, making it easier for your body to absorb essential nutrients. This can help alleviate digestive discomfort and enhance your overall health.

5. Increased Confidence:

Dental implants not only improve your physical ability to eat but also boost your self-esteem. You can dine with friends and family without feeling self-conscious or anxious, making social occasions more enjoyable.

6. Long-lasting Solution:

Dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution. With proper care, they can last a lifetime, eliminating the need for frequent replacements or adjustments. This makes the cost of dental implants in Melbourne reasonable.

7. Convenient Maintenance:

Unlike traditional dentures, dental implants require no special cleaning or soaking. You can care for them just as you would your natural teeth, with regular brushing and flossing.

8. Natural Appearance:

Dental implants blend seamlessly with your remaining teeth, creating a natural and attractive smile. No one will be able to tell the difference between your dental implants and your natural teeth.

Dental implants are not just about restoring your smile; they are about restoring your quality of life. Consult with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon to determine if you are a candidate for this life-changing solution and to know the dental implants Melbourne cost. Say goodbye to dietary restrictions and dining insecurities, and hello to a future filled with the joy of eating without worries.

Why Quality Matters in Dental Implant Costs. Here’s What You Should Know

Your smile is an invaluable asset, and when it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants have become the gold standard in tooth restoration. However, the cost of dental implants can vary significantly. While it might be tempting to opt for cheaper options, it’s crucial to understand why quality matters when it comes to dental implant costs. Know about the importance of prioritising quality over dental implants cost in Melbourne.

1. Longevity and Durability:

One of the most compelling reasons to invest in quality dental implants is their longevity and durability. High-quality implants are designed to last for many years, often a lifetime, with proper care and maintenance. This longevity means that you won’t have to go through the expense and hassle of replacing your dental implants frequently. In contrast, cheaper alternatives may wear down or fail much sooner, leading to higher overall costs in the long run.

2. Avoiding Frequent Replacements:

Low-cost dental implants may seem like a cost-effective solution initially, but they often come with hidden costs. When low-quality implants fail or wear out prematurely, you’ll need to undergo additional surgeries to replace them. These replacement procedures can be more complex and costly, not to mention the inconvenience and discomfort they entail. Quality implants, on the other hand, minimise the need for such replacements, saving you both time and money.

3. Reduced Risk of Complications:

Choosing quality dental implants also significantly reduces the risk of complications. Complications like implant failure, infections, and other oral health issues can arise when subpar materials or techniques are used. High-quality implants, combined with the expertise of an experienced oral surgeon, provide a lower risk of these complications, sparing you from additional medical bills and discomfort.

4. Improved Oral Health:

Your oral health should never be compromised for cost savings. High-quality dental implants ensure proper function and stability, which, in turn, support your overall oral health. They mimic natural teeth in terms of appearance, functionality, and how they interact with your surrounding teeth and jawbone. This means that they won’t cause alignment issues, bite problems, or other complications that may arise with cheaper alternatives.

5. Long-Term Cost Savings:

While the cost of dental implants Melbourne is high upfront, they often pay for themselves in the long run. The reduced need for replacements, revisions, and additional procedures means fewer visits to the dentist and lower overall dental expenses. Additionally, quality dental implants can prevent potential oral health issues that may require costly treatments down the line.

6. Quality Control and Materials:

High-quality dental implants are made using top-grade materials such as titanium or zirconia. These materials are biocompatible, meaning they are well-tolerated by the body and have a proven track record of success. Furthermore, reputable manufacturers adhere to strict quality control measures, ensuring consistency and reliability in their products. Choosing quality materials and brands minimises the risk of implant-related problems.

7. The Importance of an Experienced Implant Specialist:

The expertise of the oral surgeon or implant specialist is as crucial as the quality of the implant itself. High-quality dental implants, when placed by an experienced and skilled professional, have a significantly higher success rate. A well-placed implant minimises the risk of complications and ensures that the implant integrates seamlessly with your jawbone, contributing to its long-term stability and functionality.

Dental implants Melbourne cost should not be viewed solely through the lens of upfront expenses. The long-term benefits of investing in high-quality dental implants far outweigh the initial cost difference. When it comes to your oral health and the quality of your life, choosing the best is an investment worth making.

All You Need to Know About Dental Implants and Bone Grafting

Dental implants and bone grafting have helped many people achieve the smile they’ve always wanted. However, there’s still plenty of confusion surrounding these two dental procedures, as well as their similarities and differences, which are both fairly significant. Here are the most important things you need to know about dental implants Melbourne and bone grafting

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a very effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They’re made of titanium, which is strong enough to hold up well in your mouth, yet light enough that it won’t be uncomfortably heavy when you have one or more installed. The crowns will be attached directly to your natural teeth or dentures.

Many people choose dental implants because they last longer than other tooth replacement solutions and they don’t need as much work on the part of the dentist to attach them. Some people also find them less invasive than traditional methods like bridges and dentures. Also, dental implants cost Melbourne is affordable and some clinics even offer flexible payment plans with less or no interest.

What Is Bone Graft And Who Needs It?

The word graft can be quite confusing, but it essentially refers to any tissue taken from one part of a body and transplanted into another. The most common type of bone graft is when doctors take a piece of bone from elsewhere in your body (typically, your hip or back) and place it in your mouth as a tooth-replacement method.

There are many reasons why a patient might need this procedure. Sometimes the patient’s own jawbone has been severely damaged by radiation treatments for cancer, for example, or their teeth have suffered an injury that may lead to an infection if not corrected. Your dentist will know what kind of treatment is best for you. However, bone grafting is an additional procedure and the price will be added to the final dental implants Melbourne cost.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

As with any surgery, there is some recovery time involved with dental implants. The implants themselves take about a week to set into your mouth. Most people are able to resume their normal eating routine within a couple of days after dental implant surgery, but it can take up to six weeks for your body to fully heal from a surgical procedure of any kind. Make sure you follow all instructions given by your dentist or oral surgeon during recovery so that you will be as comfortable as possible during your healing process.


The dental implants cost Melbourne can range vary from one patient to another. That doesn’t include taking time off work for multiple appointments, which can run you an additional $1,500 or more (billing rates vary). It’s important to note that not all insurance providers cover implants. You may also want to consider having your dentist perform bone grafting first to see if that eliminates some of your tooth loss issues before moving on to an implant.

For further queries on dental implants and know whether you’re are a suitable candidate to receive dental implants or not, please get in touch with our dentist.

Top Factors That Affect the Cost of Dental Implants

What is the cost of dental implants Melbourne? It’s a very important question that every dental implant patient wants to know before they undergo surgery. In truth, there are many factors that go into determining the final price of your implants, but today we’re going to discuss the top five factors that affect the Dental implant price Melbourne so you can be prepared when it comes time to speak to the dentist about treatment options. Keep reading to learn more!

The Dentist’s Experience

If your dentist is more experienced, it can help keep costs down. A dentist who has done many dental implants will be more comfortable and confident in his or her technique, and most likely will not have to go through as much trial and error during implantation. This is especially true for cosmetic dentistry procedures. If you’re considering having a single tooth replaced with an implant, it may be worth paying extra for a renowned expert to give you top-notch results.


You don’t have to go around town with a measuring tape, but where you live can make a difference in how much Tooth implant Melbourne cost. Where you get dental implants also makes a difference in how much they cost. Just like any other product or service, prices vary from place to place; there’s no one-size-fits-all rate for an implant surgery. So, ask your dentist how he prices his procedures before you decide on whether or not to go with him.

The Type of Implant Used

Different types of dental implants are available to patients, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Your dentist will be able to advise you on which is most suitable for your unique needs. Prices may vary depending on the implant chosen.

How Many Teeth Need To Be Replaced?

The first question to ask is how many teeth need to be replaced. This will help you determine what type of dental implant is right for you: single tooth, bridge, or denture. Single Tooth implant Melbourne are only placed in cases where a patient has lost one tooth, and there are no neighbouring teeth to take its place. Bridge implants can be used when there are two adjacent teeth on either side of an empty space that were once filled by a single tooth that has been lost.

Additional Dental Procedures

Depending on your medical history, your dentist may recommend additional procedures to ensure successful implant placement. For example, if you are missing teeth in addition to jawbone density issues, you may need a bone graft procedure. Some dentists will include these charges in their initial quote and others will discuss them later in consultation with you. If they are not included in your original quote, be sure to bring them up when it comes time for consultation before moving forward with dental implant surgery.

These are the factors that contribute to the cost of dental implants. For further queries, please get in touch with our team or schedule an appointment with our dentist.

Are You A Good Candidate For Receiving Dental Implants?

You have heard about dental implants, but are unsure if you’re a good candidate and bothered about the dental implants cost Melbourne? Well, when it comes to your dental health, dental implants Melbourne cost shouldn’t be a major concern. There are dental practices that offer dental implant at affordable price with flexible payment plans.

What you should be concerned about is whether you’re a suitable candidate to receive dental implants or not. However, don’t worry. You’re in the right place! Keep reading to learn more about dental implants and whether or not you’re a good candidate for receiving them.

Anyone with an Existing Single Tooth Gap

In most cases, if you have an existing single tooth gap and would like to replace it with something that looks and feels just like your other teeth, then you are probably a great candidate. Be sure to consult with your dentist about what would be best for your case. If you are missing multiple teeth in one area of your mouth, or if your jawbone has been compromised due to injury or disease, then you may not be a good candidate for dental implants.

Anyone with Bone Loss Due To Prior Extractions

Tooth loss can be detrimental to your oral health, but it’s not life-threatening. If you have enough bone left in your jaw, though, there are many types of medical procedures that can help you regain your smile and one of which being dental implants. Dental implants use titanium posts to replace real teeth and fuse with the jawbone over time. These artificial teeth offer several advantages over dentures and other types of restorations, including longer wear time and increased comfort and stability.

Anyone with Cracked or Broken Teeth

Tooth decay and tooth fracture can occur in anyone, but those with poor oral health, who smoke or drink too much, who have gum disease and those with heart conditions are particularly vulnerable. Dental implants Melbourne are often used to replace one or several teeth, since a single implant can anchor several prosthetic teeth. If you’re considering getting your missing teeth replaced by dental implants, ask your dentist about getting X-rays of your mouth to make sure you’re healthy enough for surgery.

Anyone without Natural Teeth

Dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth, not healthy ones. If you’re missing at least one tooth, then you’re likely a good candidate for implants. If you have any other health conditions that affect your oral or overall health (diabetes, autoimmune disorders), then discuss them with your dentist before proceeding. They may have concerns about how certain medications or conditions may affect healing or complication risks.

For further queries whether you’re suitable for receiving dental implants or dental implants cost Melbourne, please call or schedule an appointment with our dentist.

How Much Does A Dental Implant Cost? Everything You Need To Know

Missing teeth can take a toll on your dental health. You’ll start losing about 20% of bone mass every year after losing a tooth. Over time, the bone will deteriorate, and other teeth will take up all the pressure, which ultimately impacts those molars as well. That’s why it is essential to replace a missing tooth as soon as you have lost it.

While there are many teeth replacement options to replace a missing tooth, nothing is as effective as dental implants. A dental implant offers a plethora of benefits, including a permanent solution for your missing tooth. In fact, dental implants have a high success rate of 99% than other teeth replacement options like denture and bridges. But, the dental implants Melbourne cost is what makes people step back from opting implants for their missing teeth. Of course, dental implants Melbourne prices are high compared to dentures and bridges. But, the end results are amazing, and it can last as long as you live, which pays itself over time.

Lets’ take a look at the factors that will determine the dental implants Melbourne prices:-

Initial consultation

A dental implant replaces the natural tooth with an artificial post made of titanium, a biocompatible material that doesn’t affect your body in any way. During the initial consultation, the dentist will assess the health of your mouth and take x-rays and even 3D scans if needed to check your bone density and oral health condition to determine whether or not you are qualified for receiving dental implants. So, the initial cost will be added to the overall price.

Additional procedure

In case if you have low bone density, you’ll have to undergo a bone grafting procedure to reconstruct the bone to receive implants. Also, if you have a decayed tooth, then it has to be extracted before placing the implants. If you have gum disease, it should be treated first. The cost of these procedures will be added to the overall cost of a dental implant.

The number and type of implant

With dental implants, you can replace single or multiple missing teeth. However, the more implants you require, the more you have to pay. Another factor that impacts the cost of the implant is the material/type of the implant you are choosing. There are more than 500 global brands. These companies invest huge money to provide quality implants. So, the type of implant you choose will greatly influence the cost.


Receiving implants in a city will cost you more than in suburbs as the cost of living is high in cities like Sydney and Melbourne. Also, the overhead charges will also be added.

For further queries about Dental implant price, please call us.

What Are The Cheapest Ways To Have And Dental Implant In Melbourne?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is surgically implanted into your jawbone.  People who lost the tooth, teeth, or fully denture less, they are potential candidates for dental implants. When one losses there tooth, there are three things happens. Lose phonetics, lose aesthetics, and lose function! And, if the teeth are not replaced for a very long time, bone undergoes atrophy, lose soft tissue, and disharmony between adjacent natural teeth. So, it is essential to get dental implant as soon as possible. Are you looking for ways to have affordable dental implants in Melbourne? Here, we have listed the ways how you can reduce the dental implant cost.

Ways to Get Affordable Dental Implants in Melbourne

Way 1:

To get cheap dental implants without compromising its quality, the first option you have is choosing the right dentist who offers the dental implant at affordable free structure.  Some dentist with have more than 15 years of experience, and has performed more than 1500 successful dental implant surgery. Such dentist will offer you the lowest cost dental surgery with no hidden cost.  You can prefer choosing them.

Way 2: Choose the Right Payment Plan

Once your dentist examines your mouth and oral health, he/she will discuss the procedure and the cost of dental implants in Melbourne you need to pay. They also explain the dental fee paying plan. Based on your situation, choose the flexible payment option for you. By this, you can have a chance to make the payment.

Way 3: Claim Dental Insurance

Insurance can’t take away the pain of the dentist, but it can help with the pain of the cost. The health insurance company are the part of the health plans. By claiming the dental insurance, you can make it as affordable dental implants in Melbourne.

Way 4: Choosing Dental Implant Professionals Dental Clinic

Did you know at Dental Implant Professionals, the cost of dental implants in Melbourne is $2850 which includes the surgery and the crown with us? In addition, they offer free consultation, and strive to make dental implants as cost effective as possible.  They have been offering patients competitive and affordable prices for dental implant procedure that they can’t find anywhere else in Melbourne or the whole of Australia. Also, When comes to quality, they use only the well-known brands and Australian approved product for the making of dental implant.

The Bottom Line

Are you looking to have affordable dental implants in Melbourne? It’s a wise option to book an appointment with Dental Implant Professionals, the top rated dental clinic! Also, consider claiming dental insurance, and the pay concentration on choosing the right payment plan.

Why Dental Implant Price Shouldn’t Be A Major Concern When It Comes To Your Oral Health?

Missing teeth affect not only the appearance but also dental health. Yes, it can cause several dental problems if not replaced. For decades, dentures were the only option to replace missing teeth. Although dentures have many benefits, it doesn’t offer a permanent solution and not convenient. While there are several options to replace a missing tooth, dental implants is considered as the most viable option as they offer a plethora of benefits.

Fortunately, advancements in implant technology lead to more options, and dental implants are the permanent restorative option for missing teeth. Compared to dentures and other options, dental implants have a high success rate. But, still, some avoid the treatment due to dental implants Melbourne prices. Of course, the upfront dental implants Melbourne cost is higher than dentures. But, they are worth investing as they last for a long period.

Take a look at these reasons why Dental implant price Melbourne shouldn’t be a major concern:-

Restore your confidence

Missing teeth can significantly lower an individual’s confidence as they are embarrassed about their smile and look. Dental implants help to restore the self-confidence as they are a permanent solution. Yes, since implants are inserted into the jawbone, it forms a sturdy foundation to hold the restorative tooth firmly. Dental implants are the only teeth restorative option that replaces both the root and crown of a missing tooth. Unlike dentures, dental implants preserve the jaw bone as they stimulate them. Dental implants function, look, and feel like a natural tooth which eventually boosts your self-confidence.

Enhance the quality of life

When compared to dentures, implants secure the teeth in place. Dental implants help to restore the chewing functionality, fill the gaps in smile, and improve speech which results in enhanced quality of life. You could smile confidently and eat all your favourite foods.

Less maintenance

With minimal maintenance, dental implants can last forever. On the other hand, no matter how well you maintain, dentures can only last for a decade. You’ll have to replace dentures every ten years. This is one of the reasons why dental implants Melbourne prices is higher than other teeth restorative options.


Dental implants are comfortable than dentures. In fact, you won’t even feel that you have a restorative tooth in your mouth as they look and feel like natural teeth.

When it comes to your dental health, cost should not be a major concern. Dental implants are a boon for individuals with missing teeth. Just go for it.

Why are Dental Implants so Popular?

Has your dentist, suggested you invest in dental implants Melbourne prices? Millions of people around the World are getting dental implants, and the number keeps increasing. Now the question here is, why so many people are choosing to get implants? Well, the answer is simple. The implants are the only options that replace the tooth root, which means they last a lifetime. They have a high success rate of 98 percent. In the past, dental implants were considered a costly treatment, but now, implants’ affordability is encouraging patients to seek this treatment. The advantages of investing in dental implants are bountiful. Keep reading to learn how the implants can benefit your quality of life and why many people choose it.

Improved Functionality:

The biggest benefit offered by dental implants is improved functionality. If you opt for dentures or bridges to replace your missing teeth, regular activities like chewing and eating can become problematic and painful. The dentures can loosen or fall out of your mouth and embarrass you. Besides, dentures can also break, leaving you toothless for days or weeks until you get them repaired.

On the other hand, investing in dental implants Melbourne cost offers more benefits as they are attached to your bone permanently. This permanently fixed dental restoration serves to act like your natural teeth. You need not worry about the implant falling out or breaking. Your chewing, biting, speaking and eating will be restored. Carrying out your regular activities will feel just as good as they once did. This means you can freely talk, eat all your favourite means, snacks or foods without worrying that your restoration will slide and come apart.

Jawbone Preservation:

As you lose teeth, the jawbone underneath, starts to deteriorate. When you opt for bridges or dentures to replace the missing teeth, they just sit on top of your jaw and do nothing to stimulate your bone. However, dental implants are healthier for your bone and mouth. Eventually, the implant will fuse with the jawbone and keep stimulating it, thus retaining and promoting bone growth. Simply put, by choosing invest in dental implants Melbourne prices, you are choosing to preserve your jawbone and its natural function.

Enhanced Confidence:

With dental implants, as you enjoy the ability to eat effortlessly, you would find yourself more confident. As implants appear more natural than the dentures, you don’t have to worry about others noticing. Besides, unlike dentures, you will not have to remove your implants for cleaning every time. Your daily routine will remain the same as implants will mimic your natural teeth.

Enhanced Comfort:

Finally, one big reason why a lot of people choose to invest in dental implant price Melbourne, is that it eliminates potential embarrassment. If you have other replacement options like dentures, they can fall out of your mouth at any time. Achieving proper fitting dentures is not easy. With dental implants, you will have to face none of these problems as they become a part of your jawbone.