Our Journey Through 2024 and Commitment to Accessible Dental Care

As the 2024 financial year draws to a close, it’s a poignant time for reflection for all of us here. A heartfelt thank you goes out to each of you who have stood by us through thick and thin, including those challenging times of lockdowns.

This year has been remarkable, and our hearts are full knowing we’ve continued to deliver top-notch dental services in Sydney. During these times of unprecedented high living costs in Australia, our commitment to providing accessible, high-quality dental care remains stronger than ever.

We continue to adopt the latest advancements in dental technology and equipment, as we always aim to deliver nothing but the best in global dental care.

Understanding the diverse needs of our patients, we have steadfastly worked towards keeping our fees as reasonable as possible across our clinics. We take pride in offering, arguably, the most cost-effective solutions for Dental Implants and Oral Surgery services, including Wisdom Tooth removal, nationwide.

We are delighted to continue offering our renowned $99 or No Gap treatments for essential general dentistry services like check-ups, cleanings, X-rays, and dental fillings.

Your positive reviews and feedback have been real motivating, and we are committed to maintaining our fees for the longest time possible. We’re here to support our community’s most needy, who lack access to public dental health services in Australia.

Our team continues to grow every year. Our skilled and experienced professionals reinforce our reputation for quality and affordability in the health industry.

We also take a moment to honor Dr. Douglas Lo’s contributions as he transitions away from his current practice and furthers his education in prosthodontics. Dr. Lo will now offer his invaluable services through referral at our clinic. We extend our deepest gratitude for his dedication and wish him success in his new academic endeavors. For appointments with Dr. Lo, please reach out to our Sydney clinic directly.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support over the years. We look forward to serving you in the coming financial year and beyond.

For hassle-free appointments, remember our online booking system is available 24/7. Visit dentalimplantmelbourne.com.au/ for more details on our services and to know more about the costs.

Resource Box: After years working in hospital trauma centres in Latin America and the United States with oral surgeons and other specialists, Dr Pinho made the move to Australia. For his first four years, Paulo worked as a part-time dental officer at the oral surgery department of the Royal Dental Hospital in Melbourne. Dr Pinho is skilled in performing oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic.

Dr Pinho is the founder of No Gap Dentists and made his goal to provide Affordable High Quality dentistry in Australia. Dr Pinho has been performing oral surgery for more than 20 years and is capable to perform complex dental Implants and Wisdom Teeth removal. He has an impeccable safety record, has removed over 40,000 Wisdom Teeth and Placed over 3,500 successful dental implants in his career. You can find more information about Dr Pinho on his website DrPauloPinho.com.au

Are Dental Implants Right for You? Evaluating Candidacy and Eligibility

Dental implants have revolutionized tooth replacement, offering a durable and natural-looking solution for those with missing teeth. However, determining whether dental implants are the right choice involves an evaluation of candidacy and eligibility factors. In this blog, we’ll explore the key considerations to help you determine if dental implants are a suitable option for your unique dental needs.

Bone Health and Density

One of the primary factors influencing eligibility for dental implants is the health and density of the jawbone. Dental implants rely on a process called osseointegration, where the implant fuses with the jawbone. Sufficient bone density is crucial for the success of this integration. If you have experienced significant bone loss due to factors like tooth extraction, periodontal disease, or aging, your dentist may recommend bone grafting to enhance the implant’s stability. This also influences the Dental implants cost Melbourne.

Overall Health and Medical History

Your overall health plays a pivotal role in determining your candidacy for dental implants. Chronic medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune disorders, may affect the healing process and compromise the success of implant integration. A comprehensive evaluation of your medical history is essential to identify potential risk factors and customize the treatment plan to suit your individual health needs.

Gum Health and Oral Hygiene

Healthy gums are paramount for the success of dental implants. Conditions such as gum disease can jeopardize the stability of implants and lead to complications. Before undergoing implant surgery, it’s crucial to address any existing gum issues and maintain a strict oral hygiene routine. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential to ensure the ongoing health of your gums, supporting the long-term success of dental implants.

Age is Not a Limiting Factor

Contrary to a common misconception, age alone does not disqualify someone from being a candidate for dental implants. People of various ages can successfully undergo implant procedures, provided they meet other eligibility criteria. The focus is on overall health, bone density, and the absence of contraindications that could compromise the success of the implants.

Lifestyle Factors

Certain lifestyle factors can influence the success of dental implants as well as the cost of dental implants Melbourne. Smoking, for example, has been linked to a higher risk of implant failure. If you smoke, your dentist may advise you to quit or at least reduce your smoking habits before undergoing implant surgery. Additionally, commitment to maintaining good oral hygiene practices and attending regular dental check-ups is crucial for the long-term success of dental implants.

Commitment to Aftercare

Successful integration of dental implants requires a commitment to aftercare. Patients must follow post-surgery instructions diligently, which may include dietary restrictions, proper oral hygiene practices, and attending follow-up appointments. Understanding and adhering to these guidelines are essential for ensuring the stability and longevity of the implants.

Consultation with a Dental Professional

Ultimately, the most accurate evaluation of your candidacy for dental implants comes from a comprehensive consultation with a qualified dental professional. During this consultation, your dentist will assess your oral health, review your medical history, and discuss your specific goals and expectations. X-rays and scans may be used to evaluate bone density and identify any potential challenges.

Dental implants can provide a life-changing solution for individuals with missing teeth, offering a natural-looking and functional alternative. If you’re considering dental implants, take the first step by scheduling a consultation with your dentist to explore the possibilities of restoring your smile and to know about the dental implants Melbourne cost today.

Understanding the Role of Bone Grafting in Dental Implants Cost

Dental implants are renowned for their ability to replace missing teeth effectively and provide a natural and long-lasting solution. However, in some cases, patients may require an additional procedure called bone grafting before dental implants can be placed. Understanding the role of bone grafting in dental implants cost in Melbourne is essential, as it can significantly impact the overall investment in this tooth replacement option.

What Is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that enhances the quantity and quality of the bone at the implant site. It is typically performed when a patient lacks sufficient bone density or volume in the jaw to support the dental implant. Insufficient bone can result from various factors, including tooth loss, gum disease, or atrophy over time.

During a bone grafting procedure, a dentist or oral surgeon takes a small piece of bone from another part of the body or uses a bone substitute material to supplement the jawbone at the implant site. This newly added bone material will fuse with the existing bone over several months, creating a solid and stable foundation for the dental implant.

The Role of Bone Grafting in Dental Implants

The primary role of bone grafting in dental implants is to ensure that there is adequate bone support for the implant to be successful. Without sufficient bone, the implant may not integrate properly, leading to potential complications and implant failure.

Can Dental Implants Be More Cost-Effective with Bone Grafting?

In some cases, dental implants with bone grafting can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to alternative tooth replacement options. While the initial cost of dental implants in Melbourne may be higher due to bone grafting, the benefits in terms of longevity, aesthetics, and oral health can make dental implants a cost-effective choice over time.

To make dental implants with bone grafting more financially accessible, it’s essential to consider:

  • Dental Insurance: Check if your dental insurance covers any part of the cost, including bone grafting and dental implants. While not all insurance plans offer coverage, some may include benefits for medically necessary grafting procedures.
  • Financing Options: Many dental practices offer financing plans or payment options to spread out the cost of treatment over time, making it more manageable for patients.
  • Comparison to Alternatives: Compare the overall cost and benefits of dental implants with bone grafting to alternative treatments, such as bridges or removable dentures. Take into account the long-term expenses, maintenance, and potential replacements associated with these alternatives.

While bone grafting does add an initial dental implants Melbourne cost, its essential role in ensuring the stability, longevity, and functionality of the implant makes it a wise investment. When considering dental implants, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced dental professional who can assess your specific needs and provide guidance on the necessity of bone grafting to achieve a successful and lasting implant outcome.

Why Quality Matters in Dental Implant Costs. Here’s What You Should Know

Your smile is an invaluable asset, and when it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants have become the gold standard in tooth restoration. However, the cost of dental implants can vary significantly. While it might be tempting to opt for cheaper options, it’s crucial to understand why quality matters when it comes to dental implant costs. Know about the importance of prioritising quality over dental implants cost in Melbourne.

1. Longevity and Durability:

One of the most compelling reasons to invest in quality dental implants is their longevity and durability. High-quality implants are designed to last for many years, often a lifetime, with proper care and maintenance. This longevity means that you won’t have to go through the expense and hassle of replacing your dental implants frequently. In contrast, cheaper alternatives may wear down or fail much sooner, leading to higher overall costs in the long run.

2. Avoiding Frequent Replacements:

Low-cost dental implants may seem like a cost-effective solution initially, but they often come with hidden costs. When low-quality implants fail or wear out prematurely, you’ll need to undergo additional surgeries to replace them. These replacement procedures can be more complex and costly, not to mention the inconvenience and discomfort they entail. Quality implants, on the other hand, minimise the need for such replacements, saving you both time and money.

3. Reduced Risk of Complications:

Choosing quality dental implants also significantly reduces the risk of complications. Complications like implant failure, infections, and other oral health issues can arise when subpar materials or techniques are used. High-quality implants, combined with the expertise of an experienced oral surgeon, provide a lower risk of these complications, sparing you from additional medical bills and discomfort.

4. Improved Oral Health:

Your oral health should never be compromised for cost savings. High-quality dental implants ensure proper function and stability, which, in turn, support your overall oral health. They mimic natural teeth in terms of appearance, functionality, and how they interact with your surrounding teeth and jawbone. This means that they won’t cause alignment issues, bite problems, or other complications that may arise with cheaper alternatives.

5. Long-Term Cost Savings:

While the cost of dental implants Melbourne is high upfront, they often pay for themselves in the long run. The reduced need for replacements, revisions, and additional procedures means fewer visits to the dentist and lower overall dental expenses. Additionally, quality dental implants can prevent potential oral health issues that may require costly treatments down the line.

6. Quality Control and Materials:

High-quality dental implants are made using top-grade materials such as titanium or zirconia. These materials are biocompatible, meaning they are well-tolerated by the body and have a proven track record of success. Furthermore, reputable manufacturers adhere to strict quality control measures, ensuring consistency and reliability in their products. Choosing quality materials and brands minimises the risk of implant-related problems.

7. The Importance of an Experienced Implant Specialist:

The expertise of the oral surgeon or implant specialist is as crucial as the quality of the implant itself. High-quality dental implants, when placed by an experienced and skilled professional, have a significantly higher success rate. A well-placed implant minimises the risk of complications and ensures that the implant integrates seamlessly with your jawbone, contributing to its long-term stability and functionality.

Dental implants Melbourne cost should not be viewed solely through the lens of upfront expenses. The long-term benefits of investing in high-quality dental implants far outweigh the initial cost difference. When it comes to your oral health and the quality of your life, choosing the best is an investment worth making.

Here’s Why Jawbone Health Matters for Dental Implants

Dental implants have revolutionised the field of restorative dentistry, offering a durable and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. At the heart of the success of dental implants lies a crucial factor that often goes unnoticed: the health of the jawbone. A strong and healthy jawbone forms the foundation for successful implant placement and long-term stability. Know why jawbone health matters for dental implants and how it influences the success and dental implants cost Melbourne.

The Importance of a Solid Foundation:

Dental implants are designed to mimic the function of natural tooth roots, providing a stable anchor for replacement teeth. Just as a solid foundation is essential for constructing a sturdy building, a healthy jawbone serves as the foundation for dental implants. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone in that area can begin to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. Over time, this can result in bone loss, leading to changes in facial appearance and potential complications for dental implant placement.

Osseointegration: The Key to Success:

The success and cost of dental implants Melbourne hinge on a remarkable process known as osseointegration. During osseointegration, the titanium post of the implant fuses with the surrounding jawbone tissue, creating a strong and permanent bond. This integration provides stability for the implant and mimics the natural connection between tooth roots and bone. For osseointegration to occur effectively, the jawbone must be healthy and have sufficient density.

Factors Affecting Jawbone Health:

  • Tooth Loss and Bone Resorption: When a tooth is lost, the jawbone in that area no longer receives the necessary stimulation from chewing. As a result, the bone can start to resorb or shrink over time. This bone loss can impact the structural integrity of the jaw and create challenges for dental implant placement.
  • Bone Density and Volume: The quality and quantity of the jawbone are crucial for dental implant success. Sufficient bone density is required to provide a stable foundation for the implant. In cases of significant bone loss, bone grafting procedures may be necessary to augment the jawbone and enhance its health.
  • Gum Disease and Infections: Periodontal (gum) disease can lead to bone loss in the jaw, affecting its health and density. Infections and inflammation can compromise the ability of the bone to support dental implants.

Why Jawbone Health Matters:

  • Implant Stability and Longevity: A healthy jawbone provides a strong base for dental implants, ensuring their stability and long-term success. An implant placed in a healthy jawbone is less likely to shift, become loose, or fail over time.
  • Natural-Looking Aesthetics: Dental implants are intended to seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. A well-maintained jawbone ensures that the implant-supported restoration sits at the correct height and angle, contributing to a natural and attractive appearance.
  • Preservation of Facial Structure: The jawbone supports the muscles of the face and maintains its shape. A deteriorating jawbone can lead to a sunken appearance, making a person look older. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preserving facial contours and maintaining a youthful look.
  • Bite Function and Speech: A strong jawbone allows for proper bite function and speech clarity. Dental implants enable you to chew and speak comfortably and confidently, without concerns about shifting or discomfort.

Preserving and Enhancing Jawbone Health:

  • Timely Treatment:  Addressing tooth loss promptly with dental implants can prevent further bone loss and deterioration. The earlier implants are placed, the better the chances of preserving jawbone health.
  • Bone Grafting: In cases of inadequate bone density, bone grafting procedures can enhance the jawbone and create a suitable foundation for dental implants.
  • Good Oral Hygiene: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene helps prevent gum disease and infections that can impact jawbone health. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential.
  • Avoiding Tooth Loss: Preventing tooth loss through good oral care practices and seeking prompt treatment for dental issues can help maintain the health of your jawbone.

Jawbone health is a critical factor in the success and longevity of dental implants. By prioritising your jawbone health, you’re investing in a strong foundation for a confident and enduring smile. Talk to your dentist to know about the dental implants Melbourne cost today.

8 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Dental Implants Treatment

Dental implants are a remarkable solution for replacing missing teeth, offering durability, functionality, and natural-looking results. However, it is crucial to understand that the success of your dental implants treatment relies on several factors, including your actions and behaviours during the process. To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your dental implants, it is important to avoid certain mistakes that could jeopardise the outcome. These are the common mistakes that could ruin your dental implants treatment and impact the dental implants cost Melbourne.

Neglecting Oral Hygiene:

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is neglecting proper oral hygiene practices. Just like natural teeth, dental implants require regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings. Failing to maintain good oral hygiene can lead to bacterial growth, gum disease, and implant failure. Follow your dentist’s instructions and adopt a diligent oral hygiene routine to preserve the health of your dental implants.


Smoking is detrimental to your oral health and can significantly increase the risk of implant failure. It impairs blood circulation, slows down healing, and contributes to gum disease. If you are a smoker, quitting or reducing smoking is crucial for the success of your dental implants. Consult with your dentist for guidance and support in your efforts to quit smoking.

Ignoring Post-Operative Instructions:

After your dental implant surgery, your dentist will provide specific post-operative instructions for a successful recovery. These instructions may include guidelines for pain management, dietary restrictions, and oral hygiene practices. Ignoring or neglecting these instructions can lead to complications, delayed healing, and implant failure. Follow your dentist’s advice closely to optimise your healing process.

Grinding or Clenching Teeth:

Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, can place excessive pressure on dental implants and surrounding teeth. This can lead to implant loosening or damage. If you have a history of bruxism, inform your dentist so they can recommend a suitable solution, such as a nightguard or occlusal splint, to protect your implants and prevent further issues.

Delaying Dental Visits:

Regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring the health of your dental implants and identifying any potential problems early on. Do not skip your dental appointments, as your dentist can detect signs of implant-related issues or other oral health concerns that need attention. Early intervention can prevent complications and save your implants.

Neglecting Overall Health:

Your overall health plays a significant role in the success of dental implants. Certain health conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or immune disorders, can hinder the healing process and implant integration. Inform your dentist about your medical history and any changes in your health status. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following your healthcare provider’s advice can contribute to the long-term success of your dental implants and keep the dental implants Melbourne cost in check.

Failure to Wear a Mouthguard:

If you participate in contact sports or engage in activities with a risk of facial trauma, wearing a mouthguard is essential. A custom-fitted mouthguard can protect your dental implants and natural teeth from potential damage. Do not overlook this precautionary measure to safeguard your investment in dental implants.

Chewing Hard or Sticky Foods:

Avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods, especially during the initial healing phase after implant placement. Hard foods can place excessive pressure on the implants, and sticky foods can potentially dislodge the crowns or restorations. Follow your dentist’s recommendations regarding dietary restrictions to ensure the stability and longevity of your dental implants.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following your dentist’s instructions, you can maximise the success of your dental implants treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about the cost of dental implants Melbourne, do not hesitate to reach out to your dentist.

Understanding Dental Implant Cost: What You Need to Know

Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective ways to replace missing teeth. They are a permanent solution that provides the look, feel, and function of natural teeth. However, they can also be costly. Understanding Dental implants cost Melbourne  is essential before you decide to get them.

In this blog, we’ll break down everything you need to know about dental implant costs, including what factors affect the price, how to find affordable options, and why dental implants are worth the investment.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. They are made of titanium, which is a strong, lightweight metal that is compatible with the human body. Once the implant is placed, it fuses with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration, which creates a stable base for the replacement tooth.

Dental implants are a popular choice for people who have lost one or more teeth due to injury, decay, or disease. They offer several benefits over other tooth replacement options, including:

  • Improved appearance and confidence
  • Better speech and ability to chew food
  • Greater comfort and stability
  • Long-lasting durability

Factors That Affect Cost of Dental Implants Melbourne

The dental implants Melbourne cost can vary widely depending on several factors. These include:

  • Number of Teeth Being Replaced: The more teeth you need to replace, the higher the cost will be.
  • Location of the Implant: Implants in the front of the mouth typically cost more than those in the back.
  • Type of Implant: There are several types of dental implants, each with its own cost. Traditional implants are the most common and usually the most expensive, while mini implants are a more affordable option.
  • Materials Used: The type of material used for the implant and the replacement tooth can affect the cost. For example, porcelain or zirconia crowns may cost more than metal ones.
  • Preparatory Procedures: If you need additional procedures, such as bone grafting or a sinus lift, the cost will be higher.
  • Dentist’s Experience and Location: The cost of dental implants can vary depending on the dentist’s experience and the location of the practice.

How to Find Affordable Dental Implants

While dental implants can be expensive, there are ways to make them more affordable. Here are a few tips:

  • Shop Around: Get quotes from several dental practices to compare costs.
  • Look for Promotions or Discounts: Some practices may offer promotions or discounts on dental implants.
  • Consider Financing Options: Many dental practices offer financing options, such as payment plans or credit lines, to help you spread out the cost of dental implants over time.

Why Dental Implants Are Worth the Investment

While dental implants may be costly, they are a worthwhile investment in your oral health and overall well-being. They offer several benefits over other tooth replacement options, including improved appearance, greater comfort and stability, and long-lasting durability. Hence, it’s worth investing in dental implants.

Dental Implants: 5 Tips to Be Eligible for the Procedure

Dental implants are an effective and long-lasting solution to replacing missing teeth, but there are several factors that determine whether you are eligible for the procedure or not. Before getting dental implants, you need to make sure your health is good enough to handle them. Even if they are an option for you, there are still some things you can do to increase your chances of success with them. Here are five tips to help you be eligible for digital dental implants Melbourne.

Quit Smoking:

Smoking increases the risk of gum disease which can lead to tooth loss. In order to be eligible for dental implants, smokers need to quit smoking and maintain a healthy weight.  Smoking also affects your gums and teeth by causing them not only to recede but also darken. Quitting smoking will increase your oral health and allow you to have better oral hygiene habits.

Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight:

A healthy weight is a major factor in whether or not you are eligible for dental implants. If you are overweight, your body will have more difficulty maintaining oral health, and could increase the risk of developing diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Working with a registered dietician can help you learn how to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Treat Gum Disease & Other Oral Health Issues:

It’s important to treat any gum disease and other oral health issues before undergoing a procedure for digital dental implants Melbourne. Gum disease can be a serious problem, and it can lead to bone loss and tooth decay. Gum diseases are typically treated with antibiotics or deep cleaning procedures. Talk to your dentist to identify and resolve gum diseases and other oral health issues to prevent complications during dental implants treatment.

Follow Good Oral Hygiene Practices:

Good oral health is key to ensure the dental implants procedure goes smoothly as planned.  Here are some tips to follow:

  • Brush your teeth three times a day.
  • Floss once a day.
  • Rinse with mouthwash at least twice a day and at bedtime.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months or sooner if the bristles become frayed or worn out.
  • Clean between your teeth daily with dental floss, water picks, or an interdental cleaner made for that purpose.

Sufficient Jawbone Density:

Dentists will want to see that your jawbone density is sufficient before considering you eligible for affordable dental implants in Melbourne. You need a healthy amount of bone mass in order to hold an implant. If your jawbone density is insufficient, you’ll need a grafting procedure where bone is taken from another area of your body (like the hip) and put into the missing part of your jawbone. Once done, you can proceed with dental implants.

Dental implants are one of the best ways to replace missing teeth and enjoy a normal, healthy smile again. So, if you’re trying to figure out whether you’re eligible for dental implants, don’t give up hope just yet! Simple follow the tips mentioned above and talk to an expert to know the cost of dental implants Melbourne today.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost? Exploring the Factors Affecting the Cost of Dental Implants

If you’re considering getting dental implants in Melbourne, you’ve likely already done some research on the topic and are familiar with the basics. However, there are several factors that affect the cost of dental implants that aren’t always apparent from looking up dental implants cost online. It’s important to understand these factors so you can get a clearer picture of your overall costs and have an easier time working with your dentist to find the right implant package and payment plan to fit your budget.

The Type of Implant

Dental implants are small titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They provide a foundation for artificial teeth called crowns. The cost of dental implants Melbourne varies based on factors such as: the type of implant, whether you have a single tooth or multiple teeth replaced, and your dentist’s geographic location.

The Location of the Implant

The location of the dental implant can also affect how much it costs. The cost for a single dental implant can be affordable, while two implants on one side could be higher. Moreover, the price for an implant in your lower jaw is can be higher than one in your upper jaw.

The Number of Implants

The Dental implant price Melbourne is dependent on a number of factors. The most common factor is the number of implants needed. The more implants you need, the higher the price will be. Other factors include location (costs can vary depending on where you live) and experience (the dentist’s education and experience level).

The Type of Anaesthesia

Dental implants cost varies depending on what type of anaesthesia is used. Local anaesthesia costs less than general anaesthesia, but if you are undergoing a surgical procedure, you will likely need general anaesthesia. Other sedation option like IV and oral sedation can also affect the cost of dental implants.

Experience of the Dentist

The experience of the dentist affects the cost. If your dentist has more experience and skilled, you’re expected pay more than someone who is budding in the industry.

The Type of Surgery

Dental implants cost will vary based on what type of surgery is needed for your dental implants procedure. The two most common types are a traditional dental implant, where a titanium post is surgically inserted into your jawbone, and immediate loading dental implant, where a small plastic post is surgically inserted into the jawbone. Traditional dental implants cost more because they require more surgical time and materials. Immediate loading dental implants are less expensive because they take less time and use fewer materials.

If you want to learn more about dental implants Melbourne costs and what factors affect the price for implants, contact your local dentist to schedule an appointment.

Risks of Not Replacing Your Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can have serious effects on your overall oral health and wellness, both short and long-term. The sooner you replace your missing teeth, the better off you’ll be—but don’t wait to see your dentist just because it feels like an inconvenience or because you’re nervous about what they might tell you. Here are six risks of not replacing your missing teeth, from tooth decay to bone loss, so that you can prioritise getting them replaced as soon as possible.

Causing Damage to jawbone

If you have missing teeth, your jawbone will shrink and move away from the gaps in your mouth. This can lead to pain, difficulty chewing, and speech problems. For these reasons, it is important to replace your missing teeth as soon as possible after they are lost. Dental implants in Melbourne are the best choice to replace your missing teeth over other options.

Affect Oral Health

It’s not just about how you look. The health and well-being of your mouth is at risk, too. Without teeth, your gums can pull away from the bone in your jaw, which makes it harder for them to heal themselves. This can lead to infection or other complications that could make it difficult to eat or even speak. Without teeth, you may be more prone to cavities because plaque build-up will be an issue when you don’t brush regularly.

Lose another Tooth

If you don’t replace your missing teeth, it will be difficult to keep your remaining teeth healthy and clean, which can lead to infection and other problems that can cost more than Dental implant price Melbourne. If you have a tooth replaced, the dental implants Melbourne will act as an anchor to hold the replacement tooth in place. As such, there is no risk of losing another tooth.

Decreased Quality of Life

When you’re missing teeth, you can’t chew or speak as well as you could before. You may feel embarrassed when talking with people and not want to show your teeth. Plus, when your mouth isn’t lined up correctly, it can lead to TMJ problems.

Decreased Communication

Losing your teeth can make it difficult to speak, talk, chew food and care for your teeth. Losing your teeth can also affect the way you eat, drink and socialise with others. If you have lost all of your natural teeth, you may need to wear dentures or partials in order to speak clearly. Unfortunately, these appliances can slip or become loose while eating which can lead to choking hazards or spilling food down the front of your shirt.

Impact Overall Wellbeing

Missing teeth can cause a range of problems with chewing, digestion, speech and appearance. You may also experience pain in your jaw or neck. And the consequences don’t stop there. Inadequate dental care can lead to other serious health issues including heart disease, diabetes, stroke and depression. These are just some of the risks that come with missing teeth.

The longer you wait to replace missing teeth, the more severe some of these risks can become. For more information on cost of dental implants Melbourne, please speak to your dentist or get in touch with us.