Is Dental Implants Necessary After Extraction?


Photo by Peter Kasprzyk on Unsplash

Dentures and bridges have been long considered as the best options to replace a missing tooth. But, after the invasion of dental implants, it has become the premier choice for the patients and the dentists due to its innumerable benefits. Here we have listed out a few benefits that describes the benefits and the need for Dental Implants Melbourne after a tooth extraction –

Avoids Loss of Bones

If you have missed one or a few of your teeth due to any accidents or infections, there are many chances that your bone will start to shrink, due to the gaps in the teeth. If you haven’t replaced it with cheap dental implants Melbourne, the jawline will weaken resulting in bone loss. This could also cause other oral health complications. The dental implants look and function like the natural teeth. Once when you have your Dental Implants Melbourne fixed, it fuses with the jaw bones, strengthening your bite. This ultimately conserves your jaw bones and the other surrounding tissues.

Looks and Functions Like Natural Tooth

Unlike the dentures and bridges, dental implants can match the looks of the existing natural teeth. Meanwhile, they also excel in their function of biting and chewing. Since the screw or the titanium post is deeply rooted in the jawbone, it makes it to work like a natural tooth root. No other tooth restoration procedure can perform the same way as that of the implants, when considering the functionality.

Long-Term Solution

The cost of dental implants is a little more when compared with that of the dentures and bridges. But when you compare the durability with the other teeth restorative options, implants can last really longer, for decades. The reason being, the titanium post gets deep rooted which creates the jawbone to be really strong and fuses with it as days pass by. This can withstand any daily force during the eating process, and with proper care, it can even last a lifetime.

Fixes Your Bite

When you lose a tooth, it can have a great impact on the way you eat, making it difficult to bite or chew certain foods. This will also gradually affect your speech patterns, making it hard to pronounce words correctly. It doesn’t end here, the rest of the teeth are also at the risk of falling out fast overtime. Dental Implants can perform like a new tooth, instead of the tooth you have lost. Since it works like natural teeth, your mouth will treat it like a natural tooth and grow tissues around it, making it fit precisely on the jaw.

Are you looking to know more about dental implants or Dental Implants cost Melbourne? Get in touch with an expert in Dental Implants Melbourne!