How Can Missing Teeth Harm Your Dental Health?


Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Should I replace my missing teeth? What can happen if I don’t? These are the questions we are being asked frequently by our patients who walk into our clinic for a consultation. If you are one among them wondering whether or not to replace your missing teeth, this blog has got the answers you are looking for your problems.

See, apart from unsightly and embarrassing, missing teeth can cause serious complications far more than a self-conscious smile. Whether you have lost your teeth due to an injury and gum disease or dental decay and poor oral hygiene, it’s imperative to replace the missing teeth as early as possible. The consequences of missing teeth are more serious than you imagine.

So, How Missing Teeth Affect Your Dental Health?

Bone loss

Your body relies on the health of your bones, so do your teeth. Having strong and healthy bones are crucial for supporting teeth and gums. Whenever you chew, it helps stimulate and support the jawbone, just like exercise would help maintain the muscle. So, you probably could imagine what could possibly happen when there is a missing tooth. Missing tooth can cause bone loss as there is no more stimulation from the tooth. Over time, the void space will lead to the bone deterioration in that particular place. As result, it could weaken the surrounding teeth, impacting your oral health.

Increase the Risk of Losing More Teeth

As said above, a void space can weaken the other teeth. Moreover, other teeth try to move into the void space left by the missing tooth, leading to teeth shifting and crowding. When this happens, cleaning becomes challenging and the chances of developing gum infection and dental decay are high. According to a recent study, when a lost tooth isn’t replaced, it increases the risk of losing more teeth by 30%.

Gum Disease

Missing teeth can promote gum disease. The space left by lost tooth becomes an accessible gateway for bacteria to enter your gums, causing gum infection, inflammation, and bleeding.

What Are My Options To Replace Missing Teeth?

There are several options to replace teeth. Of all those, dental implants are the best choice as they are permanent solution for your missing tooth. Dental implants are screw shaped structure made of titanium. They are anchored into your jawbone and allowed to fuse with the jawbone naturally through a process called osseointegration to form a sturdy foundation to hold the replacement teeth in place. Finally, you will receive the replacement tooth. Dental implants Melbourne prices are expensive than other teeth replacement options as they provide a plethora of benefits.

If you couldn’t afford for dental implants Melbourne cost, you could opt for our payment plants which are available at less or no interest at all. See, when it comes to dental health, Dental implant price shouldn’t be a major concern as they are priced high for several good reasons. For more details about our dental implants Melbourne prices, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to assist you with any queries and concerns.