Why Age Matters for Melbourne Dental Implants Patients?

Attention here, If you are getting ready for dental implants. Melbourne dental implants create a great impact in the tooth replacement options. People who seek tooth replacement prefer dental implants as their favourable choice due to the natural results it provides. Except for replacing your tooth, dental implants in Melbourne…


An Ultimate Guide to the Average Cost of Dental Implants in Melbourne

As we age, missing teeth becomes increasingly common and most of the times at least one tooth by the time they are 50. Previously, dentures has been regarded as the best tool for replacing missing teeth, but the advancement of dental implants have given people other desirable option. This is…


6 Successful Options to Prevent Dental Implant Failure

Over the recent years, dental implants have become the most exciting and advanced dental technology. Dental implants in Melbourne have gained this popularity because of its extreme durability and long-lasting characteristics. These implants have a very high success rate of 98% when maintained properly. Even though it has a high…


Dental Implants – 4 Commonly Asked Questions, Answered

What are Dental Implants? Dental implants are the artificial roots fixed to your gums to attach the new artificial tooth or crown. Dental implants surgery involves the use of two components such as Root and Crown. Root: They are below the gum line and enclosed inside the bone. Crown: They…


Tips for Dental Implants Care and Maintenance

A Dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed into your jaw to provide a permanent base to the replacement tooth. Dental implants are the best choice for those who missed their tooth due to various reasons such as an injury, tooth decay, or some other reason. With proper dental…


Top 5 Dental Implant Mistakes

Have you lost a tooth? You should seriously consider getting a teeth replacement. Because other than affecting your appearance, missing teeth can also lower your self-confidence, personality and are not good for your oral health. Dental implants in Melbourne are a formidable teeth replacement option as they are fixed deep…


Short-term Complications Associated with Dental Implants

Dental implants are considered as the best teeth replacement option in terms of benefits, success rate and functioning. Dental implants have less than 2% of failure rate while studies reveal that the rate of failure for regular dentures and crowns in the first 10 years is about 15-20%. Dental implants…


The benefits and requirements of Dental implant treatment

If you have lost teeth, dental implants in Melbourne are preferable by far when compared to unwieldy dentures. For people who suffer from the indignity of enduring uncomfortable dentures that slip off at inopportune moments frequently in everyday life, dental implants are a boon from heaven itself. In essence, a…


Tips to spend less on dental implants

The most common methods of teeth replacement are fixed bridges, dentures and dental implants. Out of them, only dental implants do a complete job by providing both the visible part of the lost tooth and its root. But, Dental implant procedures are more complex and physically demanding. Because of this,…


Common Myths about Dental Tourism in Thailand

In the recent years, Thailand seems to have attracted multiple patients who are in need of dental implants. The proximity of Thailand to Australia and the heavily marketed low prices of the treatment seem to be the major factors that have initiated the trend. While dental tourism to Thailand may…
